Monday, January 7, 2013

Do you know what is a DS, Mummy?

Not long back, my son asked me if I know what is a DS and if I could get one for him. I act blur and said I do not have any idea what exactly he is talking about. 10 mins later, I saw him switching on the laptop. The first thing he did is to navigate to the 'google' page and type in DS. The next moment, he pulled me to his side and pointed the handheld game console display on the screen to me. "Mummy, this is how 'DS' looks like. Can you buy this for me?".

Friday, December 14, 2012

妹妹是个鬼灵精怪 3/3

外头天正在下毛毛雨。 在巴士车上。哥哥:“妈,这里滴水。” 我:“可能是冷气机漏水” 妹妹:“是雨水啦,你们不知道外面在下雨吗?”

妹妹是个鬼灵精怪 2/3

Nikole一家最近从香港回来,买了许多香港零食。外公特地从她家带了一些给我们吃。妹妹吃完,随手把装零食的纸袋丢给外婆。外婆对妹妹说:“自己吃的自己丢。” 妹妹理直气壮地说:“是你开的,当然是你丢咯“ 外婆被她弄得啼笑皆非, 转过头对外公说:“是你带回来的,应该是你丢咯!” 外公笑嘻嘻地说:“这样说来,我要叫那个买的人丢咯。。”

妹妹是个鬼灵精怪 1/3

妹妹是个鬼灵精怪。 常常做出令人意想不到的举动。 讲起话时有时真的一鸣惊人! 在图书馆,妹妹因为坐得不稳而跌了个四脚朝天。哥哥在旁幸灾乐祸,哈哈大笑。幸好妹妹摔的不轻.自个爬了起来。不过看她的神情就知道火山要爆发了。果然,我还来不及开口,妹妹已冲上前摇晃哥哥的椅子,生气地说:“如果换成是你跌倒,我笑你,你会喜欢吗!哥哥哑口无言。我真的有点惊讶。 不知道的人还以为她是大姐姐呢!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Your toy will become my toy

We were shopping for gifts at one of a gift shops. Aislinne had picked a colouring book for herself. Her brother was still struggling what to choose as I told them they could only picked $1-2 item each. "Have you selected what you want?" I asked my 6-year-old. "Gor gor, I can help you." my 3-year-old told her brother. "Nope. I don't need your help." Aldric replied, still haven't decided what he wanted. "Nevermind, your toy will become my toy anyway..."she told her brother... Kids...

Shh..don't tell anybody.

We were inside a public toilet one day. Aislinn was in the toilet doing her 'big business' while I was 'guarding' outside her cubicle. Then someone walked in. "Mummy, don't tell anybody that I am doing big business here ok." Aislinn called out from the cubicle. "Ok, I promised I won't" I chuckled, the lady beside me also gave me a smile.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Food for thoughts

Just like to share this video with all.