I was lost and found
Today was 11 Oct 2008. I went to Orchard Road with Daddy and Mummy. I love to go shopping with Mummy and Daddy. But today was an unforgettable day for me as i was lost in the mall.
We were at the toy section at Takashima shopping mall. I was playing with a toy one moment and the next moment I lost sight of mummy... I called out "mummy, mummy" but mummy didn't appear.
I was near to tears and started running around searching for mummy. Then an aunty came over and asked me where was my mummy. I thought maybe she might know where was my mummy so I asked her, "Mummy where?".
She held my hand and said that she would bring me to my mummy. We went down the escalator as I held tight to my Thomas the train. I scanned around for one last round for any sight of mummy or daddy before we descended to the second floor.
But I saw neither of them..
I was told to wait there in a room..Like what my mummy had always said, "Wait for mummy here.."
So I waited, waited... One Jie jie was trying to play with me, but I was in no mood to play... Can't they tell I was in bad mood.., where was my mummy?
I was scared....very scared indeed. What's going to happen to me?
Then I heard the broadcasting, "A little boy, around 3 years old was found, will the parents of the boy, pls proceed to the service counter..."
"Are they referring to me?
It's like ages sitting there... I've no idea how long i have waited...all I know was that the door opened and Jie Jie took my hand and brought me out of the room...
There I saw a familiar face. "Mummy!!"
I was so happy to see my mummy. I ran towards her and held her tight. I am not going to let go of mummy...tears had already streamed down my face..
I was choking with tears but I don't care, I had found my mummy. I will never forget this day.