Monday, June 30, 2008

Lullaby lyrics - Hush, little baby

Like this lullaby a lot....

Lullaby lyrics - Hush, little baby

Hush, little baby, don't say a word.
Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird

And if that mockingbird won't sing,
Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring

And if that diamond ring turns brass,
Papa's gonna buy you a looking glass

And if that looking glass gets broke,
Papa's gonna buy you a billy goat

And if that billy goat won't pull,
Papa's gonna buy you a cart and bull

And if that cart and bull turn over,
Papa's gonna buy you a dog named Rover

And if that dog named Rover won't bark
Papa's gonna buy you a horse and cart

And if that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Playing water gun!

Was playing water gun with Mummy and Daddy yesterday..
I love it!! I want to shoot mummy....我要射妈眯!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Fighting over the Steering Wheel..

Fighting with Kristine Jie Jie over the Steering Wheel.

I was having lots of fun driving daddy's car...then Kristine Jie Jie comes along and squeeze with me...

I am angry as she pushed me away from the steering wheel, i also pushed her...

Then Mummy carried me away...It's all Kristine Jie Jie's fault!

Ah Gong: "What's this?"

Ah Gong was playing with the 3 little ones...
They were so enthusiastic as Ah Gong was 'testing' them!

First Ah Gong showed them lamb, then giraffee, then elephant....then Ah Gong showed them this.

Kristine: It's a horse!
XiangXiang: Horse!
Aldric: BaiBai 拜拜 (Pray pray)

Ah Gong said "Only Aldric does not know..."
Mummy told Ah Gong, "Actually he may not be totally wrong, you see what is Tan Seng dong?

Ah Gong: Oh ya hor...

Sometimes, kids have different perspective of things...actually not only kids, adults too....

Mummy: (Asking for seond time, this time pointing to the horse)
Aldric: Horse!

Mummy, scare scare...

Mummy, scare scare...

He ran into the room crying..

Was a bit shocked as I could see that he was really very frightened.

I went out of the room and found that the TV was showing the Lord of the Rings..

He must have seen something on the TV that frightened him..

Take a while to calm him down....

Friday, June 27, 2008

How to get rid of the smell of paint????

Bought some figurines recently but couldn't let Aldric play with them as the smell of the paint is so strong...

Mummy also cannot tahan the smell..:(
try placing the onion with the figurines to get rid of the smell....

It's been 2 days but the smell is still there...sigh...

Tongue Twisters

Want to start to twist your tongue? Have fun!

She Sells Sea Shells.
She Sells Sea Shells.
She sells sea shells on the sea shore.
The shells she sells are sea shells, im sure.
And if she sells sea shells on the sea shore,
Then l'm sure she sells seashore shells.

Peter Piper.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers;
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008

High Fever and Diarrhoea

First time having diarrhoea and running a high fever...didn't expect it to go so high - 40 degree c.
Getting worried as the fever goes up and down....

Luckily mummy and daddy were on leave for the next 3 days....

Sunday, June 8, 2008

After watching 少年杨家将

After watching 少年杨家将...i cried...

Could have felt the same pang of guilt and pain if Aldric were to be lost for so many years...

Tears welled up my eyes when his son vent his years of frustrations on his mum for losing him in the battlefield and left him all alone and terrified.

Ya, it must be very terrifying for a 10-years-old child. It's really amazing that he could survive after so many years... must have undergone a lot of hardships and pains....

So helpless and wonder he is filled with hatred and in dilemma when he finally returned to his home....

He could have many dreams...wonderful life...wonderful parents, siblings to play talk to.
The more I think about it, it really hurts my heart really goes to him and his mum....

There were so many stories about separation of mother and son. We are so lucky to have Aldric right besides us.

Wanted so much to hug my Aldric and tell him we love him and will not leave him alone..

We do make mistakes and sometimes, it's too late to make amendments..

But the bonding is always there, no matter what....